3 Monthly Payments of $997

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I am ready to unleash my power within!

I agree that by entering into this payment plan, I commit to honor the sacred energy exchange and complete all payments in a timely manner, even if I do not show up or participate in the course content.

I understand that all sales are final, as this is a service-based offering where energy and space is being held for me as well as having lifetime access to the content. Therefore I agree to honor my commitment and be in full integrity to complete my payments, and understand that there are no refunds with this type of work.

With all that said, I'm ready to really show up for myself and go ALL IN!


  • I’m willing to show the F up for my inner work like never before. 🔥
  • This Vocal Activation Course feels like a FULL BODY YES in my system.
  • I know that Jourdan is not here to “rescue” or “save” me, but rather hold EXPANSIVE AF space for me to BLAST into my power.
  • I know that in making this investment I am entering into a vortex of MASSIVE expansion… and oh baby am I ready!
  • It’s not required that I feel comfortable 24/7 to show up 100%. I DESIRE this. Deep in my SOUL. I am ALL IN! 💫

✍🏻  Signed, Sealed, Delivered. Here we gooooooo!

Now for the more boring stuff…

Vocal Activation Coaching Agreement

Terms & Conditions


I understand that coaching is for individuals who are emotionally and psychologically healthy who want to make changes and move forward in their lives. I agree that I am voluntarily participating out of my own free will and therefore I choose to take with me what resonates and leave the rest. I am ready to show up eager to learn and I commit to being 100% authentic in all my interactions.


Group Coaching sessions may be conducted via Zoom or in our Private Facebook Group. 

Multiple modalities may be used such as breakthrough coaching, tapping, hypnotherapy, EMDR, reiki energy healing, and other holistic modalities. I agree to take full responsibility for how I show up and agree to come to the calls and sessions with a coachable attitude and willingness to see things from a new and fresh perspective.


The group coaching relationship is built on trust. All conversations and information within the sacred group container is intended to be private and confidential. I understand that no personal ideas, information or thoughts expressed will be shared with anyone except with my permission. Due to the nature of the group container with other parties being involved, I understand that Jourdan cannot guarantee 100% confidentiality but she does intend to show up in creating a sacred space that feels safe to share sensitive topics freely and authentically.

Some calls will be recorded (i.e. the ones on Zoom) and will be reposted in the group for other members to watch the replay. If I am live on the call, I give permission for my likeness to be shared in this way. I understand that if I do not want to be seen in the recordings, I have the option to turn off my camera during video calls.


I understand that if I choose to not show up to calls, be inactive in the group for any reason, or never even review the group or course content, that is my choice, but in no way does it constitute a reimbursement or refund. I understand that no refunds or partial refunds will be issued, and I agree to be in full integrity with my payment agreement, regardless of attendance in the program.


I understand that it is not Jourdan’s role to prescribe or assess health levels; provide health care, medical or therapy services; or to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. Rather, Jourdan is a mentor and guide who has experience in Health and Wellness Coaching + Hypnotherapy to help clients reach their own health goals by helping them devise and implement positive, sustainable lifestyle changes.

I understand that Jourdan is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed counselor, therapist, psychologist, dietician-nutritionist, or any other licensed or registered professional, and that any advice given is not meant to take the place of advice by these professionals. I agree that I have chosen to work with Jourdan and understand that the information received should not be seen as medical advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

I understand that Jourdan (and her co-coaches) teach and use spiritual tools and practices to help coach me, and I am never expected nor forced into believing Jourdan’s religious or spiritual beliefs in order to participate.


I acknowledge that I take full responsibility for my life and well-being, as well as the lives and well-being of my family and children (where applicable), and all decisions made during and after this program. I hereby release Jourdan Rystrom (and her co-coaches) from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, which I ever had, now have, or will have in the future against her, arising from my past or future participation in, or otherwise with respect to, the Program, unless arising from the gross negligence.


I understand that Jourdan agrees to keep my information private, and will not share my information to any third party unless compelled to by law.


I agree that I have read the aforementioned Vocal Activation Coaching Agreement Terms & Conditions in its entirety.

In addition to checking this Terms & Conditions box upon enrolling, my initial request to join the private Facebook Group also acts as confirmation of my agreement and understanding of all the terms and conditions stated herein.

An account already exists with this email address. Is this you?

Sign in

Vocal Activation - Payment Plan

Ready to unleash your Voice, Power, and Potency on a whole new level?

Then Vocal Activation is for you.

A live group course spanning 9 magical weeks, we will dig in and go to places you've never been before. 

Discover things you've never realized (that were already within you).

Put the pieces of the puzzle back together.

Gain clarity. Confidence. Freedom. Peace.

This course will crack you open so you can unlock your own unique resonance and frequency

The world NEEDS you to show up fully expressed. 

Vocal Activation (and Jourdan's magical space holding) will help you get there!

This Incredibly Unique Live Program Includes:

  • 9+ alchemy classes live via Zoom (over the span of 9 weeks plus special guests!)
  • Access to a private, intimate Facebook group to connect with your fellow Vocal Activators
  • Energy alchemy sessions for activating and awakening your Inner Power
  • Intimate moments such as shadow witnessing, sacred rage ceremonies, and energetic standard creation
  • Weekly tapping recordings based on the module we're working through
  • Weekly hypnotherapy sessions like you've never experienced before (just these alone are SO powerful!)
  • Incredible guest speakers
  • Even professional singing lessons from the best of the best (Berklee College of Music-trained!)

Any questions, feel free to DM Jourdan on IG (@jourdanrystrom).  

We officially kick-off with our OPENING CELEBRATIONS for the second cohort on 6/6, so stay tuned for more info, dates, and times as we get closer!

Eeeek! Can't wait to enter the portal with you! 

Pricing Details

Claim your spot in Vocal Activation for just $997/month for 3 months!

The truth is... you already know deep down if this is for you. 

So if your body, your gut, or maybe even your voice is saying, "WE NEED THIS BB! WE WANT THIS! YES YES YES!" then I encourage you to take the leap!

I can say with unshakable confidence that if you go all in with this program, this will be one of the best investments you've ever made in yourself.

I can't wait to celebrate you + the magical life that awaits you with Vocal Activation!

See you inside!


Want to pay less per month over a longer period of time? Check out the other payment plan!

Vocal Activation $333x9 Payment Plan

Ready to go ALL IN (and save $ too?)

Check out the Pay in Full option by clicking below:

Vocal Activation - Paid In Full